This reminds me of the excitement and joy my first car brought me...before I became a permanent member of the rat race and those 30 minute commutes became a permanent in my life.
Yes, I bribed Scarlett with a milkshake for a few minutes of quiet while running errands. It lasted about 15 minutes and I only had to clean up it up off the floor in 2 different stores.
Scarlett was so good when she saw the Easter Bunny. She sat right next to him and suprisingly she wasn't even afraid...until he/she tired to put their arm around her. That promptly ended the photo shoot.
I really like the article posted below, especially the first sentence. It supports everything my wonderful MIL says – that strong willed little girls make good decisions as adults. And it just make me feel good. I am going to start carrying copies of it around and every time her teacher says Scarlett is stubborn or a parent witness one of our battle of the wills, I’m going to hand them a copy and say …"See, I’m Lucky."