She loves to play in the yard at are a few pictures. I love the last two...I can almost hear her giggling when I look at them.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Baby bird becomes a busy bee...
She loves to play in the yard at are a few pictures. I love the last two...I can almost hear her giggling when I look at them.
Happy Birthday Mary!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Trip to Lake Sinclair

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Go Dada Go!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
1 year DR appointment & Stone Mountain Lasershow
Saturday we headed to Stone Mountain park for the laser light show. It’s a great show with fireworks and music. The place was jammed and all SKG wanted to do was walk around. We found a spot on the lower lawn where she was able to explore and these 2 nice girls were playing soccer and kicked the ball to her… she picked it up and took off with it. She settled down once the sun went down and she seemed to like the show fireworks and all.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Dinner out...
We took Scarlett to dinner last week, we had a gift cards that needed to use it by the end of June…it was an adventure/nightmare. We made many mistakes. I asked for a kids menu, they didn’t have one…our first mistake. Anyplace that does not have a kids menu, doesn’t want your kid there...makes sense. They said they had "kid friendly" items...osco busco perhaps?
We were on constant defense trying to anticipate what she was going to throw, pull or eat next. At one point I reached down to get the napkin, looked back up and she had the knife in her hand and was swinging it around…almost took out my eye…that was totally my fault. Jason put blueberries on a bread plate for her and I told him if he was going to give her a plate it was his responsibility to watch it…well he looked away and sure enough she threw it down and it shattered everywhere. Totally his fault. We also ran out of mentioned below she's a freak for the blues. She was pretty satisfied up until that point, once the blues were gone...well, i think that's when the plate hit the floor...our version of "the shit hitting the fan." Now we always bring 24 hours worth of blueberries with us wherever we go.
Surprisingly there were several families in the place doing the same thing we were…trying to have dinner but really just desperately entertaining their kids so they won’t have a meltdown. One 3 year old came over and to say "hi" and the mom said she “escaped” from their table. The girl was sweet except she took Scarlett’s face in her hands and gave her a big ol' smacker on the lips…OMG. We took her to the same restaurant last year but she was only a few weeks old and it was so easy so we thought sure we can do this again… we’re fools. So we have this to look forward to for the next couple of years?
SKG ended up eating part of my "kid friendly" short rib ravioli w/ browned butter sauce. Sounded and tasted much better than anything a kid's menu could offer anyway.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Well here goes...

I thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with family and friends near and far. I should have started this last year when SKG was born...should have, could have, would have...oh well. I'll post some pictures from the last year. The picture in the header is from SKG's 1st birthday, which was a success! It was the traditional 1st bday Pizza and Beer party. SKG stuck to O'douls, of course ;). I haven't been to many 1st bday parties so I don't know if it's customary for the guests to stay until midnight...the bday girl pooped out around 8:30, but everyone continued on to celebrate in her honor. I have some pictures of SKG and her buddy Anna in the kiddie cute. A lot of Jason's friends showed up which was so sweet of them. The weather was perfect and it's hard to say that this time of year. We had to coax SKG into eating her cake, which was not so much a cake but a pile of goodness...angel food cake, whip cream and blueberries. The girl is nuts for blueberries. Must get that from the Graber side. She slowly started to pick the blueberries out and then got her hands in the whip cream. And as you can see she got about half of it in her mouth and the other half on her face.